

更新时间:2018/5/2 16:17:50


张涛博士,现就职于美国北德克萨斯大学 (UNT;
University of North Texas, Texas, USA), 聘任为运动科学,健康促进和休闲系副教授 (终身教授),博士生导师,体育教育心理学和行为学博士点学科带头人,儿童青少年体育研究实验室主任。迄今为止以第一作者和合作者的身份发表了50余篇国际和国内学术期刊论文,完成了80余篇书籍章节, 学术会议论文和研究摘要,在国际,国内和州立学术会议上进行了120多次的科学研究报告,完成了50多次的受邀请报告和讲座,并先后主持和参与了16项校内和校外科研机构资助的基金项目。研究兴趣主要集中在以下几个方面:社会支持环境和儿童青少年体育健康促进研究,体力活动水平和体质测量和评价,儿童青少年运动技能和认知功能的评定,体育成就期望动机,儿童青少年和女子休闲体育研究。近年来,尤其关注从生态学,社会学,心理学,教育学和行为学视角,对儿童青少年和特殊人群的体育活动与久坐行为和身心健康展开研究。2012年被入选为美国健康教育与体育学会 (SHAPE America) 体育科学研究院研究员 (Research Fellow),2012年获得国际华人体育活动和健康学会 (ICSPAH)
颁发的“杰出贡献奖”,2013年获得美国健康教育与体育学会梅布尔李奖 (Mabel Lee Award),2013年入选为美国疾病控制和预防中心体育与公共健康研究员 (Research
Fellow)。张涛博士于2017年获得美国健康教育与体育学会杰出导师奖 (Mentor of the Year
Award) ,所指导的博士研究生和本科生先后12次获得美国州立,国内和国际级研究奖项, 所指导的博士研究生先后两次获得美国健康教育与体育学会 (SHAPE America) 和美国体育应用心理学会 (AASP) 科研基金项目。

of Teaching, Research, and Media in Kinesiology )联合主编,任“美国体育教学期刊”
(Journal of Teaching in Physical Education) 编委,任“女子体育运动期刊” (Women in Sport and Physical Activity
Journal) 编委,任“美国大学健康教育期刊” (Journal of American College Health) 编委。多次担任美国州立,国内和国际性专业学术会议评委会主席和主题报告主持人。与此同时,还先后担任美国健康教育与体育学会 (SHAPE America),美国运动医学研究院 (ACSM; American
College of Sports Medicine),和美国教育研究学会 (AERA; American
Educational Research Association) 等体育专业组织机构的专业委员会成员,美国北德州华人教授学会主席,和美国德州体育健康学会研究委员会主席。近八年来,张涛博士先后接收西班牙塞维利亚大学、上海体育学院、华东师范大学、北京体育大学,湖南师范大学,同济大学,湖州师范大学,上海理工大学,江苏科技大学,中央民族大学,杭州电子大学,华东政法大学,景德镇陶瓷大学等高校访问教授和学者50多名。与此同时,张涛博士先后被选聘为上海体育学院,华东交通大学,重庆交通大学,宜春学院等中国高校客座教授, 并在2016年获得UNT全球化教育教学专家称号 (Charn Uswachoke Scholar)。张涛博士在2018年被选举为国际华人体育活动和健康学会 (ICSPAH) 候任主席。

Biographical Sketch
Dr. Tao Zhang
University of North Texas
Denton, Texas, 76203, Tao.Zhang@unt.edu

Dr. Tao Zhang is a tenured associate professor in the Department of
Kinesiology, Health Promotion and Recreation at the University of North Texas
where he serves as Pediatric Movement and Physical Activity Laboratory Director
and Ph.D. Program Coordinator in Sport Pedagogy & Motor Behavior. As a
Kinesiology scholar, Dr. Zhang has published about 50 refereed research
articles, authored more than 80 peer-reviewed book chapters, research abstracts
and conference papers, made more than 120 research presentations at
international, national, and state conferences, delivered about 50 invited
presentations and lectures, and completed 16 funded research projects in the
U.S and China. His research focuses on supportive physical activity
environments, achievement motivation, and youth physical activity and health
promotion from social, psychological, pedagogical, and behavioral perspectives.
He was inducted as a Research Fellow in the Society of Health and Physical Educators
(SHAPE America) in 2012, and a Research Fellow in Physical Activity and Public
Health granted by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention in 2013. He received
the Outstanding Service Award from the International Chinese Society for
Physical Activities and Health in 2012. He also earned the Mabel Lee Award from
SHAPE America in 2013. Since 2010, he has already mentored both undergraduate
and graduate students who have received at least 12 state, national, and
international awards for their research and obtained two research grants. He
earned the Outstanding Mentor of the Year Award from SHAPE America in 2017.

Dr. Zhang has been a reviewer for 16 scholarly journals and reviewed
abstracts at 18 national conferences. He serves as the Editor-in-Chief for the Journal of Teaching, Research, and Media
in Kinesiology, and the Editorial Board Members
for the Journal of Teaching in Physical
Education, Women in Sport and Physical Activity Journal, and Journal of American
College Health. He has also served on several committees of professional
organizations (SHAPE America, American College of Sports Medicine, and American
Educational Research Association). Recently, Dr. Zhang hosted more than 50
visiting professors and scholars from multiple Universities, such as University
of Seville in Spain, Shanghai University of Sport, East China Normal
University, Beijing Sport University, and Hunan Normal University. He has been
granted as several visiting professorships from Chinese Universities, such as Shanghai
University of Sport and East China Jiaotong University. He has been awarded the
Charn Uswachoke Scholar at UNT in 2016. He has been elected as the
President-Elect of the International Chinese Society for Physical Activities
and Health in 2018.
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