

更新时间:2018/5/2 16:09:26


高赞博士现任教于美国明尼苏达大学,终身任职教授,运动流行病学实验室主任, 博士生导师。他1996年毕业于湖南师范大学获得体育教学学士学位(足球专业),1999年毕业于北京体育大学获得体育教学硕士学位(足球教学训练专业),1999年至2002年在中国体育报业总社/中国足协机关刊物足球世界担任记者和编辑,2007年在美国路易斯安纳州立大学获得运动机能学博士学位。目前他的主要研究兴趣集中于通过运动干预促进人体健康,运用新兴科技产品(如智能手机应用和体感游戏机等)来促进各个人群的体育活动水平和健康,以及运动技能身体体质和体育活动水平的测量评价。迄今为止, 他已在国际以及北美各种学术会议做过200多场学术报告,并在各种国际学术刊物如美国预防医学杂志,肥胖综述,美国医学学会儿科子刊,和运动科学研究季刊等核心期刊和书籍发表100多篇论文(含88篇同行评审期刊论文和27篇书章节),包括第一作者学术论文50多篇。高赞博士出版过两本英文专著,和5本足球和体育译著。他在近些年获得多项顶级的国际奖项和荣誉,包括2006 年获全美教育研究协会体育教学研究兴趣小组研究生奖,2007 年获全美健康体育娱乐舞蹈联合会鲁斯阿贝纳斯主席奖学金奖,2008年获全美运动体育高等教育联合会青年学者奖,2009年获全美健康体育娱乐舞蹈联合会美宝李青年学者奖, 2013年美国运动体育教学协会青年学者奖,和2015年美国体育健康协会莱若沃克青年学者奖。目前高赞博士担任健康游戏杂志和国际行为营养和体育活动杂志的编委会成员,曾担任美国体育教学杂志编委会成员,运动体育测量和评价的责任编辑和运动科学研究教学媒介的责任主编辑,并为30种专业刊物审稿,包括运动科学研究季刊,美国公共健康杂志,体育与健康杂志,运动体育心理学杂志等。他也担任很多大型科研课题的负责人,包括国家卫生研究院研究基金、罗伯特伍德约翰逊基金会研究基金和全美健康体育娱乐舞蹈联合会种子基金等。高赞博士现为美国运动医学院理事(American College of Sports
Medicine Fellow),美国体育健康协会研究所理事 (SHAPE America Fellow),国际华人体育与健康学会2017-2018年度主席。他曾任教于美国犹他大学和德克萨斯理工大学,曾被聘为北京体育大学和重庆大学客座教授,2016至2018年中国外国专家局海外高端学者(湖南师范大学),2018年上海体育学院客座教授,2016和2017年湖南大学海外名师, 和2017年至2018年湖南省海外名师(怀化学院)。

Dr. Zan Gao Short
Dr. Zan Gao obtained his Ph.D. from
Louisiana State University in 2007. He is a faculty at the School of
Kinesiology in University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, specializing in physical
activity and health. Dr. Gao’s research has primarily focused on promoting
health through population-based physical activity interventions with emerging
technologies such as active video games, online social media and mobile device
apps. In the past several years, Dr. Gao has given over 200 presentations at
various international and national conferences. He has also published over 100
(including 50 first authored) book chapters and research articles in
peer-reviewed journals such as Obesity
Review, American Journal of Preventive Medicine, Archives of Pediatrics and
Adolescent Medicine (JAMA Pediatrics), Journal
of Physical Activity and Health, Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport
(RQES), and the Journal of Teaching
in Physical Education (JTPE). Dr. Gao has been the recipient of several
international and national awards, including the 2008 National Association for
Kinesiology and Physical Education in Higher Education Hally Beth Poindexter
Young Scholar Award, 2009 American Alliance of Health, Physical Education,
Recreation, and Dance (AAHPERD) Mabel Lee Award, 2013 National Association for
Sport and Physical Education Curriculum and Instruction Heitmann Young Scholar
Award, and 2015 SHAPE America Leroy T. Walker Young Professional Award. Dr. Gao
has been the principal investigator of National Institute of Health research
grant, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Grant and AAHPERD Seed Grant. He also
serves as a reviewer for many journals including, but not limited to RQES,
JTPE, the Journal of Physical Activity
and Health, the Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, and Journal of School Health, as the Section
Editor for Measurement in Physical
Education and Exercise Science (2012-2018), the Editorial Board Member for
the JTPE (2010-2016), Games for Health
and International Journal of Behavioral
Nutrition and Physical Activity, and Editor-in-chief for Journal of Research, Teaching, and Media in
Kinesiology (2013-2018). He is currently the Fellow of American College of
Sports Medicine, and the Fellow of AAHPERD Research Consortium. He is the Immediate-past
President of International Chinese Society for Physical Activities and Health.
He was on faculty at University of Utah and Texas Tech University from
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