

更新时间:2018/5/2 15:49:51


高勇教授于2008年7月获得美国伊利诺伊大学香槟分校运动机能学博士学位。历任美国运动医学协会心理测量评价分析师(2003年—2004年),美国伊利诺伊大学香槟分校运动机能学和社区健康系研究助理、助教、课程讲师(2002年—2008年),美国博伊西州立大学运动机能学助理教授(2008年—2013年),终身教授副教授(2013年—2017年),终身教授正教授(2017年至今),并从2014 年起,连续多年担任美国圣鲁克斯医学系统地区研究中心的高级科研顾问,2016-2017年被聘为上海体育学院客座教授。高勇教授的研究主要集中于探索高等统计方法与先进的测量理论在体力活动水平和公共健康领域重大议题方面的应用。高勇教授学术成果丰硕,发表《用全美健康与营养检查监测系统国家数据来识别人群对不同体力活动的参与》等论文和书籍章节40余篇,并发表《全国健康和营养检查调查对美国成年人肌肉力量控制的测试》等近90篇会议报告和《在团体运动中的集成技术应用》等多份特邀报告,且担任数个跨学科研究课题的负责人。高勇教授现任《运动与体育研究季刊》付主编,《运动科学和体育测量与评价》杂志编委及付主编、《国际体育运动及心理学》、《妇女与健康》等诸多杂志审稿人等学术兼职。高勇教授是美国运动医学协会成员,全美健康和体育教育协会会员及其研究院fellow(2012年起),并长期担任该协会研究基金项目评审员和体育测量与评价理事会主席(2011-2016),2009年成为国际华人体育与健康学会终身会员并担任执委会成员(2011-2014),下任主席(2017-2018),并与2011年受邀担任美国疾病与防治中心营养,体力活动与肥胖分部的专家组成员。高勇教授现任国际华人体育与健康学会主席。
Yong Gao, Ph.D
Department of Kinesiology

Boise State University

1910 University Dr.

Boise, ID  83725

Email: yonggao@boisestate.edu


Fax: 208-426-1894
Dr. Yong Gao is a tenured Full Professor
in the Department of Kinesiology at Boise State University. Dr. Gao earned a
PhD in Measurement and Statistics from the Department of Kinesiology at the
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Dr. Gao’s research interests are to
explore the application of modern measurement and statistical techniques to
critical issues in physical activity and public health. Her academic majors and
work experiences run cross medical practice and qualitative and quantitative
data analysis.
She has rich experience in research design and analyzing large sample, complex
data. Dr. Gao has published over 40 peer-reviewed
articles and book chapters, has made around 90 presentations at national and
international conferences and secured multiple grants. Since 2014, Dr. Gao has
served as a psychometric consultant and statistician for the St. Luke’s
Research. Dr. Gao was elected Chair (Chair-elect, Chair and past Chair) of the
Measurement and Evaluation Council of AAHPERD/SHAPE America between 2013 and
2016.  She had been one of the five
elected Executive Committee members in the International Chinese Society of
Physical Activities and Health (ICSPAH, 2011-2014. She had organized a series
of conferences for ICSPAH (2013, 2014, 2016 & 2018) as the organization
committee chair/co-chair. She is currently on her second term as an Associate
Editor for Research Quarterly for
Exercise & Sport (RQES). She is also a section editor for Measurement in Physical Education and
Exercise Science (MPEES), and one of six members of the MPEES editorial
board. Dr. Gao has been one of eight members on the research grant review
committee of SHAPE America and has served on the proposal review panel (chair
in 2014) for the SHAPE America national convention for the past 6 years. She
received the Measurement Honor Award
(2018) and Measurement & Evaluation Special Interest Group Service Recognition Award (2016) from
the SHAPE America, the Outstanding
Service Award from ICSPAH (2014), the Reviewer
of the Year Award from MPEES (2013), and Emerging Professional Award from
Western Society for Physical Education of College Women (2012). Dr. Gao is the
Fellow of SHAPE America Research Counsel, a lifetime ICSPAH member, and
a member of American College of Sports Medicine. Currently, Dr. Gao is the elected
President of ICSPAH.
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